We use a variety of well-tested and novel approaches to understanding how to balance economic, social and environmental objectives.  From cost-benefit analysis to machine learning, CEOS members use and advance methods to model complex social-environmental systems, estimate impact of interventions and design optimal policy solutions to enable us to build a more sustainable society.

Research Output

Title Publication Authors Year Published Category Method Status
Effectiveness of Alternative Strategies for Nutrient Loss Reduction under Uncertainty in the Racoon River Basin Yu-Kai Huang, Madhu Khanna, Madelynn Wuestenberg, Andy VanLoocke 2024 LW (SM) System Modeling (WP) Working Paper
Araguaia biodiversity corridor cost benefit analysis: Large scale restoration and sustainable agribusiness in Amazon and Cerrado Land Use Policy Andrea Lucchesi, Madhu Khanna, Paula C Pereda, Keyi A Ussami, Patricia GC Ruggiero, Victor S Dornelas, Tess Lallement 2024 LW (SM) System Modeling (PR) Peer Reviewed
Worshipping the tiger: Modeling non-use existence values of wildlife spiritual services Environmental and Resource Economics Lopes, A. A., & Atallah, S. S. 2020 LW, O (SM) System Modeling
Market structure and the effect of ethanol expansion on Land allocation: A spatially explicit analysis American Journal of Agricultural Economics Wang, Y., Delgado, M. S., Sesmero, J. P., Gramig, B. M.
2020 FA, LW (IE) Impact Evaluation, (SM) System Modeling
Agricultural impacts of climate change in Indiana and potential adaptations Climatic Change Bowling, L.C., Cherkauer, K., Lee, C., Beckerman, J., Brouder, S., Buzan, J., Doering, O., Dukes, J., Ebner, P., Frankenberger, J., Gramig, B.M., Kladivko, E., Volenec, J. 2020 FA, LW (SM) System Modeling
Water quality effects of economically viable land use change in the Mississippi River Basin under the renewable fuel standard Environmental Science & Technology Ferin, K.M., Chen, L., Zhong, J., Acquah, S., Heaton, E.A., Khanna, M., & VanLoocke, A. (2020). 2020 LW (SM) System Modeling
Effect of corn ethanol production on conservation reserve program acres in the US Applied Energy Chen, X., & Khanna, M.
2018 LW, EE (SM) System Modeling
Spatially explicit return on investment to private forest conservation for water purification in Indiana, USA Ecosystem Services Wang, Y., Atallah, S. S., & Shao, G.
2017 LW (SM) System Modeling
Integrated economic and environmental assessment of cellulosic biofuel production in an agricultural watershed BioEnergy Research Song, J., Gramig, B. M., Cibin, R., & Chaubey, I.
2017 FA, LW (SM) System Modeling
Towards a theoretical construct for modelling smallholders’ forestland-use decisions: What can we learn from agriculture and forest economics? Forests  Baker, K., Bull, G. Q., Baylis, K., & Barichello, R.
2017 LW (SM) System Modeling