
We at CEOS host a range of events for sharing information – from talks for everyone in the general public to engage with our work, to academic events that refine sustainability research. See below how you can attend a CEOS event.

Public Events

We host quarterly mini-talk webinars during the lunch hour, which are three bite-sized (10-15 minute) talks on cutting-edge research in sustainability economics.  Look out for the next one this fall. 

Watch past mini-talks here.

Academic Events


The weekly pERE (program in Environmental and Resource Economics) seminar has run every week for decades. After a pandemic-induced virtual format last spring, we are in a hybrid format for the fall 2021 semester and joining forces with IPAD (International Policy and Development Workshop). The graduate seminar provides students and faculty the opportunity to obtain feedback on work in progress and brings outside speakers in to present to the group. We strongly encourage those who are able and willing to meet in-person in room 446 Mumford Hall. Zoom access is also available. Schedule here.

pERE/IPAD Seminar is held on on Thursdays from 12-1pm. Email to register for the seminar or if you are interested in giving a talk.