We use a variety of well-tested and novel approaches to understanding how to balance economic, social and environmental objectives. From cost-benefit analysis to machine learning, CEOS members use and advance methods to model complex social-environmental systems, estimate impact of interventions and design optimal policy solutions to enable us to build a more sustainable society.
Research Output
Title | Publication | Authors | Year Published | Category | Method | Status |
Village fairness norms and land rental markets. | World Bank Economic Review | Hope Michelson, K. Krah, A. Maertens, W. Mhango, and V. Nourani | 2024 | LW | N/A | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Plastic Waste Trade & Coastal Litter: Evidence from Citizen Science Data | Rebecca Taylor, Shan Zhang, Hebe Williams | 2024 | LW | (IE) Impact Evaluation | (WP) Working Paper | |
Known and Unknown: Uncertainty in Estimating Land use Change from Satellite Data | Luoye Chen, Madhu Khanna | 2024 | LW | (IE) Impact Evaluation | (WP) Working Paper | |
Effectiveness of Alternative Strategies for Nutrient Loss Reduction under Uncertainty in the Racoon River Basin | Yu-Kai Huang, Madhu Khanna, Madelynn Wuestenberg, Andy VanLoocke | 2024 | LW | (SM) System Modeling | (WP) Working Paper | |
Araguaia biodiversity corridor cost benefit analysis: Large scale restoration and sustainable agribusiness in Amazon and Cerrado | Land Use Policy | Andrea Lucchesi, Madhu Khanna, Paula C Pereda, Keyi A Ussami, Patricia GC Ruggiero, Victor S Dornelas, Tess Lallement | 2024 | LW | (SM) System Modeling | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Spatial Heterogeneity in Hedonic Price Effects for Lake Water Quality | Land Economics | Kristen Swedberg, Diego S Cardoso, Adriana Castillo-Castillo, Saleh Mamun, Kevin J Boyle, Christoph Nolte, Michael Papenfus, Stephen Polasky | 2024 | LW | (VA) Valuation | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Paying for agricultural information in Malawi: The role of soil heterogeneity | Journal of Development Economics | Hope Michelson, Julia Berazneva, Annemie Maertens, Wezi Mhango | 2023 | LW | N/A | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Valuing water quality in the US using a national data set on property values | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | Saleh Mamun, Adriana Castillo-Castillo, Kristen Swedberg, Jiarui Zhang, Kevin J. Boyle, Diego S. Cardoso, Catherine L. Kling, Christoph Nolte, Michael Papenfus, Daniel Phaneuf, and Stephen Polasky | 2023 | LW | (VA) Valuation | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
The effect of farm size and farmland use on agricultural diversification: a spatial analysis of Brazilian municipalities | Anais | Mary Arends-Kuenning, JL Parre, ALS Chagas | 2022 | FA, LW | N/A | (WP) Working Paper |
Private contributions for public information: soil testing in Malawi | SSRN | Berazneva, J., Maertens, A., Mhango, W., & Michelson, H. | 2022 | LW, SC | (FE) Field Experiment | (WP) Working Paper |
Does unconventional energy extraction generate more wastewater? A lifetime perspective | Ecological Economics | Xu, M., Xu, Y., Khanna, M. | 2022 | LW, EE | (IE) Impact Evaluation | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Water affordability in the United States | Water Resources Research | Diego S. Cardoso and Casey J. Wichman | 2022 | LW | (PD) Policy Design | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Impact of changes in Title II of the 2018 Farm Bill on the acreage and environmental benefits of Conservation Reserve Program | Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy | Cornish, B., Miao, R., & Khanna, M. |
2022 | LW | (IE) Impact Evaluation, (PD) Policy Design | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
How do farmers learn from extension services? Evidence from Malawi | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | Maertens, A., Michelson, H., & Nourani, V. | 2021 | FA, LW, SC | (IE) Impact Evaluation, (PD) Policy Design | |
Farmers' heterogeneous perceptions of marginal land for biofuel crops in US Midwestern states considering biophysical and socioeconomic factors | GCB Bioenergy | Yang, P., Cai, X., & Khanna, M. | 2021 | LW | (OM) Other | |
Conservation tillage mitigates drought induced soybean yield losses in the US Corn Belt | Q Open | Chen, B., Gramig, B.M., & Yun, S.D. | 2021 | FA, LW | (IE) Impact Evaluation | |
Gender, education, and farm succession in Western Paraná State | Land Use Policy | Arends-Kuenning, M., Kamei, A., Garcias, M., Romani, G. & Shikida, P. | 2021 | LW | (OM) Other | (WP) Working Paper |
Households’ preferences for hydrological services in Veracruz, Mexico: The importance of outcomes vs. program design | Journal of Environmental Management | McGinnis, I., Atallah, S.S., & Huang, J. | 2021 | LW | (PD) Policy Design | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Assessing marginal land availability based on land use change information in the contiguous United States | Environmental Science & Technology | Jiang, C., Guan, K., Khanna, M., Chen, L., & Peng, J. | 2021 | LW | (OM) Other | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Quantifying tradeoffs between electricity generation and fish populations via population habitat duration curves | Ecological Modelling | Logan, L. H., Gupta, R. S., Ando, A. Cory Suski, C., & Stillwell, A. S. | 2021 | LW | (VA) Valuation | |
Willingness-to-volunteer and stability of preferences between cities: Estimating the benefits of stormwater management | Journal of Environmental Economics and Management | Cadavid, C.L., Ando, A.W., Netusil, N., & Parthum, B. |
2020 | LW, SC | (VA) Valuation | |
Worshipping the tiger: Modeling non-use existence values of wildlife spiritual services | Environmental and Resource Economics | Lopes, A. A., & Atallah, S. S. | 2020 | LW, O | (SM) System Modeling | |
Diversifying to reduce conservation outcome uncertainty in multiple environmental objectives | Agricultural and Resource Economics Review | Ando, A.W., Howlader, A. & Mallory, M. | 2020 | LW | (PD) Policy Design | |
Ecology and economics for pandemic prevention | Science | Dobson, A. P., Pimm, S. L., Hannah, L., Kaufman, L., Ahumada, J. A., Ando, A. W., Bernstein, A., Busch, J., Daszak, P., Engelmann, J., Kinnaird, M. F., Li, B. V., Loch-Temzelides, T., Lovejoy, T., Nowak, K., Roehrdanz, P. R., & Vale, M. M. | 2020 | LW | (OM) Other | |
Market structure and the effect of ethanol expansion on Land allocation: A spatially explicit analysis | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | Wang, Y., Delgado, M. S., Sesmero, J. P., Gramig, B. M. |
2020 | FA, LW | (IE) Impact Evaluation, (SM) System Modeling | |
Overlooked benefits of nutrient reductions in the Mississippi River Basin | Land Economics | Parthum, B., & Ando, A.W. | 2020 | FA, LW | (VA) Valuation | |
Agricultural impacts of climate change in Indiana and potential adaptations | Climatic Change | Bowling, L.C., Cherkauer, K., Lee, C., Beckerman, J., Brouder, S., Buzan, J., Doering, O., Dukes, J., Ebner, P., Frankenberger, J., Gramig, B.M., Kladivko, E., Volenec, J. | 2020 | FA, LW | (SM) System Modeling | |
Consequences of protected areas for forest extraction and human well-being: Evidence from Nepal | Environmental and Resource Economics | Howlader, A., & Ando, A. W. | 2020 | LW, SC | (IE) Impact Evaluation | |
Water quality effects of economically viable land use change in the Mississippi River Basin under the renewable fuel standard | Environmental Science & Technology | Ferin, K.M., Chen, L., Zhong, J., Acquah, S., Heaton, E.A., Khanna, M., & VanLoocke, A. (2020). | 2020 | LW | (SM) System Modeling | |
The effect of projected climate change on the economics of conservation tillage | Agronomy Journal | Hodde, W., Sesmero, J., Gramig, B., Vyn, T., & Doering, O |
2019 | FA, LW | N/A | |
Are non-market values important to smallholders’ afforestation decisions? A psychometric segmentation and its implications for afforestation programs | Forest Policy and Economics | Baker, K., Baylis, K., Bull, G., & Barichello, R. |
2019 | LW, O | (VA) Valuation | |
Perdas na colheita de soja na região oeste do Paraná | Revista Tecnologia e Sociedade | Esser Romani, G., Arends-Kuenning, M., Assis Shikida, P.F, & de Oliveira Garcias, M. | 2019 | FA, LW | (OM) Other | |
Conservation agriculture and climate resilience | Journal of Environmental Economics and Management | Michler, J., Baylis, K., Arends-Kuenning, M., & Mazvimavi, K. | 2019 | FA, LW | (IE) Impact Evaluation | |
Adoption of agricultural conservation practices in the United States: Evidence from 35 Years of quantitative literature | Journal of Soil and Water Conservation | Prokopy, LS, K Floress, JG Arbuckle, SP Church, F Eanes, Y Gao*, BM Gramig, P Ranjan, AS Singh | 2019 | FA, LW | (OM) Other | |
Effect of corn ethanol production on conservation reserve program acres in the US | Applied Energy | Chen, X., & Khanna, M. |
2018 | LW, EE | (SM) System Modeling | |
The economics of species conservation | Annual Review of Resource Economics | Ando, A.W. & Langpap, C. | 2018 | LW | (OM) Other | |
When portfolio theory can help environmental investment planning to reduce climate risk to future environmental outcomes – and when it cannot | Conservation Letters | Ando, A.W., Fraterrigo, J., Guntenspergen, G., Howlader, A., Mallory, M., Olkers, J., & Stickley, S. | 2018 | LW | (PD) Policy Design | |
Valuing the benefits of green stormwater infrastructure | Oxford Encyclopedia of Water Resources Management and Policy | Ando, A.W., & Netusil, N. | 2018 | LW, SC | (VA) Valuation | |
Fine-resolution conservation planning with limited climate-change information | Conservation Biology | Shah, P.S., Mallory, M.L., Ando, A.W. & Guntenspergen, G. | 2017 | LW | (PD) Policy Design | |
Integrated economic and environmental assessment of cellulosic biofuel production in an agricultural watershed | BioEnergy Research | Song, J., Gramig, B. M., Cibin, R., & Chaubey, I. |
2017 | FA, LW | (SM) System Modeling | |
Bioenergy economics and policy in US and Brazil: Effects on land use and greenhouse gas emissions | Handbook of Bioenergy Economics and Policy (Volume II) | Khanna, M., & Zilberman, D. |
2017 | LW, EE | (OM) Other | |
The economic value of grassland species for carbon storage | Science Advances | Hungate, B.A., Barbier, E.B., Ando, A.W., Marks, S.P., Reich, P.B., van Gestel, N., Tilman, G.D., Knops, J., Hooper, D.U., Butterfield, B. & Cardinale, B.J. | 2017 | LW | (VA) Valuation | |
Assessing pollinator habitat services to optimize conservation programs | The Council on Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics | Iovanna, R., Ando, A. W., Swinton, S., Kagan, J., Hellerstein, D., Mushet, D., & Otto, C. | 2017 | LW | (VA) Valuation | |
Towards a theoretical construct for modelling smallholders’ forestland-use decisions: What can we learn from agriculture and forest economics? | Forests | Baker, K., Bull, G. Q., Baylis, K., & Barichello, R. |
2017 | LW | (SM) System Modeling | |
Spatially explicit return on investment to private forest conservation for water purification in Indiana, USA | Ecosystem Services | Wang, Y., Atallah, S. S., & Shao, G. |
2017 | LW | (SM) System Modeling | |
The effectiveness of payments for environmental services | World Development | Börner, J., Baylis, K., Corbera, E., Ezzine-de-Blas, D., Honey-Rosés, J., Persson, U. M., & Wunder, S. |
2017 | LW | (OM) Other | |
A return to the crossroads: Farming, nutrient loss and conservation | U. of Arkansas-Little Rock Law Review | Coppess, J. W. | 2017 | LW | (OM) Other | |
The economics of conservation and finance: A review of the literature | International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics | Ando, A. W. & Shah, P. S. | 2016 | LW | (OM) Other | |
Spatially-correlated risk in nature reserve site selection | PlosONE | Albers, H.J., Busby, G., Hamaide, B., Ando, A. W. & Polasky, S. | 2016 | LW | (PD) Policy Design | |
Goldilocks and the raster grid: Choosing a unit of analysis for evaluating conservation programs | PlosOne | Avelino, A. F. T., Baylis, K., & Honey-Rosés, J. |
2016 | LW, O | (IE) Impact Evaluation | |
Emerging evidence of tropical forest conservation effectiveness | PlosOne | Börner, J., Baylis, K., Corbera, E., Ezzine-de-Blas, D., Ferraro, P. J., Honey-Rosés, J., ... & Wunder, S. |
2016 | LW | (OM) Other | |
Permanent and temporary policy incentives for conservation under stochastic returns from competing land uses | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | Shah, P.S. & Ando, A. W. | 2016 | LW | (PD) Policy Design | |
Impacts of management practices on bioenergy feedstock yield and economic feasibility on Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Grasslands | GCB Bioenergy | Anderson, E.K., Aberle, E., Chen, C., Egenolf, J., Harmonmey, K., Kakani, G., Kallenbach, R.L., Khanna, M., Wang, W., & Lee, D.K. |
2015 | LW, EE | (IE) Impact Evaluation | |
Agro-Climatic Data by County (ACDC), 1981-2015 | Purdue University Research Repository | Yun, S.D., & Gramig, B.M. | 2015 | FA, LW | (OM) Other | |
A conservation planning approach to mitigating the impacts of leakage from protected area networks | Conservation Biology | Bode, M., Tulloch, A., Mills, M., Venter, O., & Ando, A. | 2015 | LW | (PD) Policy Design | |
Simple-but-sound methods for estimating the value of changes in biodiversity for biological pest control in agriculture | Ecological Economics | Letourneau, D., Ando, A.W., Narwani, A., Jedlicka, J., & Barbier, E. | 2015 | LW | (PD) Policy Design | |
Evaluating heterogeneous conservation effects of forest protection in Indonesia | PlosOne | Shah, P., & Baylis, K. |
2015 | LW | (IE) Impact Evaluation | |
Downside vs. symmetric measures of uncertainty in natural resource portfolio design to manage climate-change uncertainty | Land Economics | Shah, P.S. & Ando, A. W. | 2015 | LW | (PD) Policy Design | |
How effective are biodiversity conservation payments in Mexico? | PlosOne | Costedoat, S., Corbera, E., Ezzine de Blas, D., Honey-Roses, J., Baylis, K., & Castillo-Santiago, M. A. |
2015 | LW | (IE) Impact Evaluation | |
Mainstreaming impact evaluation in nature conservation | Conservation Letters | Baylis, K., Honey-Rosés, J., Börner, J., Corbera, E., Ferraro, P., Pfaff, A., Davies, P., Ezzine de Blas, D. Lapeyre, R., Pagiola, S., Persson, M., & Wunder S. |
2015 | LW | (OM) Other |