Project lead: Benjamin Gramig (benjamin.gramig@usda.gov)
Sustainable food and agriculture at CEOS encompasses economic and policy dimensions of soil health, as well as the ‘organic’ and ‘regenerative’ agriculture.
An economically, environmentally and socially sustainable agricultural and food system will balance farm profitability with environmental and social performance to satisfy the demands of consumers and society at-large. Our work involves consumers, farmers, agri-food businesses and policy makers to evaluate sustainability across different dimensions and design welfare-enhancing solutions.
Sustainable Food and Agriculture Mini-talks
Identifying win-wins: Evidence from field-level practices - Presented by Nick Paulson (2021)
Crop insurance connections to sustainable farming practices - Presented by Bruce Sherrick (2021)
How much U.S. farmland is organic? Presented by Joe Janzen (2020)
If less tillage costs less, then why don’t more farmers use conservation tillage? Presented by Ben Gramig (2020)
Digging in: Food waste along the supply chain - Presented by Brenna Ellison (2020)
Small farmers and global value chains - sustaining development? Presented by Hope Michelson (2020)
CEOS faculty and students: Amy Ando, Jonathan Coppess, Shadi Atallah, Madhu Khanna, Benjamin Gramig
Funding: Illinois Farm Bureau
Agriculture has the potential to reduce nutrient loadings in surface waters of the U.S. and net carbon emissions that contribute to the clear and existential threat posed by climate change. But what is the best role that agriculture can play in carbon trading markets to provide value for both agricultural producers and society, and to ensure the credit system has enough real impact on net carbon emissions that it remains viable in years to come? How can credits for nutrient and carbon reductions be stacked and aligned to best capture synergies in those systems for agricultural producers and the people that stand to benefit from environmental improvements? What roles can be played by public policy and private markets to facilitate or support these fledgling markets? CEOS is synthesizing and extending previous research about carbon and nutrient trading using a case study in the Midwest to demonstrate clearly to policy makers how systems of carbon and nutrient trading can be designed.
Research Output
Title | Publication | Authors | Year Published | Category | Method | Status |
Measuring the Estimation Bias of Yield Response to N Using Combined On-Farm Experiment Data | Qianqian Du, Taro Mieno, David S Bullock | 2024 | FA | (SM) System Modeling | (WP) Working Paper | |
Relaxing Information and Credit Constraints: Five-Year Experimental Evidence from Tanzanian Agriculture | Economic Development and Cultural Change | Tamim, A., A. Harou, M. Burke, D. Lobell, M. Madajewicz, C. Magomba, H. Michelson, J. Xue | 2024 | FA | (IE) Impact Evaluation | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Assessing gendered impacts of post-harvest technologies in Northern Ghana: gender equity and food security | Gender, Technology and Development | Anna Snider, Paul Kwami Adraki, Victor Lolig, Paul E McNamara | 2024 | FA | (OM) Other | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Processing of On-Farm Precision Experiment Data in the DIFM Project | Center for Open Science | Brittani Edge, Taro Mieno, David S Bullock | 2024 | FA | (SM) System Modeling | (WP) Working Paper |
Motivating organic farmers to adopt practices that support the pest-suppressive microbiome relies on understanding their beliefs | Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems | Elias H. Bloom, Shady S. Atallah, and Clare L. Casteel | 2024 | FA | (OM) Other | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Bottom-Up Approaches and Decentralized Extension Structures for Improving Access to and Quality of Extension Services and Technology Adoption: Multi-level Analysis from Malawi | The European Journal of Development Research | Catherine Ragasa, Cristina Alvarez-Mingote, Paul McNamara | 2024 | FA | (PD) Policy Design | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Bias in economic evaluation of variable rate application based on geographically weighted regression models with misspecified functional form | Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association | Taro Mieno, Xiaofei Li, David S Bullock | 2024 | FA | (SM) System Modeling | (WP) Working Paper |
Maple Syrup Producers' Willingness to Diversify Maple Forests for Increased Resilience | Shadi S Atallah, Yizun Yan | 2024 | FA | N/A | (WP) Working Paper | |
Do Agricultural stakeholder panels enhance post-harvest loss reduction? Evidence from Malawi | Agriculture & Food Security | Festus O Amadu, Paul E McNamara | 2024 | FA | (IE) Impact Evaluation | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Can machine learning models provide accurate fertilizer recommendations? | Precision Agriculture | Takashi ST Tanaka, Gerard BM Heuvelink, Taro Mieno, David S Bullock | 2024 | FA | (SM) System Modeling | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Herbicide-resistant weed management with robots: A weed ecological–economic model | Agricultural Economics | Chengzheng Yu, Madhu Khanna, Shady S. Atallah, Saurajyoti Kar, Muthukumar Bagavathiannan, Girish Chowdhary | 2024 | FA | N/A | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Pay it Forward: A Mechanism for Achieving Scale in Anti-Poverty Programs | Janzen, Sarah and Magnan, Nicholas and Sharma, Sudhindra and William, Thompson M. | 2024 | FA | (IE) Impact Evaluation | (WP) Working Paper | |
Misattribution and uncertainty about beliefs prevent learning. | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | Hope Michelson, Hoel, J., B. Norton | 2024 | FA | N/A | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Economics of the Adoption of Artificial Intelligence–Based Digital Technologies in Agriculture | Annual Review of Resource Economics | Madhu Khanna, Shady S. Atallah, Thomas Heckelei, Linghui Wu, and Hugo Storm | 2024 | FA | N/A | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Cattle supply chain fidelity in the Brazilian Amazon: Key considerations for deforestation monitoring | Environmental Research Letters | Marin Skidmore, Marcos Barrozo, Lisa Rausch, Holly K Gibbs | 2024 | FA | (PD) Policy Design | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Economics of the Adoption of Artificial Intelligence–Based Digital Technologies in Agriculture | Annual Review of Resource Economics | Madhu Khanna, Shady S Atallah, Thomas Heckelei, Linghui Wu, Hugo Storm | 2024 | FA | (OM) Other | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Water Quality and the Conservation Reserve Program: Empirical Evidence from the Mississippi River Basin | Nicole Karwowski, Robert A Hrozencik, Marin Skidmore, Andrew B Rosenberg | 2024 | FA | (IE) Impact Evaluation | (WP) Working Paper | |
Heterogeneous and long-term effects of a changing climate on bird biodiversity | Global Environmental Change Advances | Luoye Chen, Madhu Khanna | 2024 | FA | (OM) Other | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Policy Instruments to Promote the Adoption of Sustainable Nitrogen Management Practices | Menglin Liu, Madhu Khanna, Shadi S Atallah | 2024 | FA | (IE) Impact Evaluation | (WP) Working Paper | |
Identifying the Determinants and Availability of Socially Marginal Land | Bijay P Sharma, Madhu Khanna, Tongtong Li, Adam J Daigneault | 2024 | FA | (IE) Impact Evaluation | (WP) Working Paper | |
If You Build It, Will They Compost? The Effects of Municipal Composting Services on Household Waste Disposal and Landfill Emissions | Environmental and Resource Economics | De Silva, L., Taylor, R.L.C. | 2024 | FA | (PD) Policy Design | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Navigating the Measurement Frontier: New Insights into Small Farm Realities | Hope Michelson | 2024 | FA | N/A | (WP) Working Paper | |
Extreme heat and livestock production: Costs and adaptation in the US dairy sector | Hutchins, J., Skidmore, M., and Nolan, D. | 2023 | FA | (IE) Impact Evaluation | (WP) Working Paper | |
A review of livestock development interventions’ impacts on household welfare in low-and middle-income countries | Global Food Security | Sarah Janzen, Anissa Collishaw, Conner Mullally, Hannah Camilli | 2023 | FA, SC | N/A | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Political returns to ad hoc farm payments? | Agricultural & Applied Economics Association | Joe Janzen, Trey Malone, K Aleks Schaefer, Daniel P Scheitrum | 2023 | FA | N/A | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Commodity storage and the cost of capital: Evidence from Illinois grain farms | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | Joe Janzen, Nick Paulson, Juo-Han Tsay | 2023 | FA | N/A | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Restoring Trust: Evidence from the Fertiliser Market in Tanzania | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | Hope Michelson, Christopher Magomba, Annemie Maertens | 2023 | FA | N/A | (WP) Working Paper |
Price risk and small farmer maize storage in Sub‐Saharan Africa: New insights into a long‐standing puzzle | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | Hope Michelson, Lila Cardell | 2023 | FA | N/A | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Women's empowerment: evidence from rural Western Paraná (Brazil) | Mary Arends-Kuenning, Roberta Vedana, Marcos de Oliveira Garcias, Pery Shikida | 2023 | FA, SC | N/A | (WP) Working Paper | |
Agricultural intensification and childhood cancer in Brazil | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | Skidmore, M., Sims, K., and Gibbs, H | 2023 | FA | N/A | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Purchased agricultural input quality and small farms | Pergamon | Hope Michelson, Sydney Gourlay, Travis Lybbert, Philip Wollburg | 2023 | FA | N/A | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Technology diffusion within families: experimental evidence from Nicaragua | The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension | Mary Arends-Kuenning, Federico Ceballos-Sierra, Anina Hewey | 2023 | FA | N/A | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
The impact of extreme precipitation on nutrient runoff | Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association | Skidmore, M., Foltz, J., and Andarge, T. | 2023 | FA | (IE) Impact Evaluation | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Maize farmers acquire early maturity seed across production environments | CGIAR | Hope Michelson, Pieter Rutsaert, Jason A Donovan, Hanna S Willwerth, Colleta Nabwile, John Muthee | 2023 | FA, EE | N/A | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Intellectual property exhaustion, breeder frustration, and hindered innovation: Reviewing US organic corn seed development | Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development | A. Bryan Endres, Jessica Guarino, Nabilah Nathani | 2023 | FA | N/A | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Nature's Kidneys: the role of Wetland Reserve Easements in restoring water quality | Karwowski, N. and Skidmore, M. | 2023 | FA | (IE) Impact Evaluation | (WP) Working Paper | |
Influence of the Seed Loophole and Bottleneck on Quantity and Quality of Organic Maize Seed in the US Midwest | Frontiers in Agronomy | Bryan Endres, Juan E Andrade Laborde, Martin O Bohn, Alice K Formiga, Walter A Goldstein, Emily E Marriott, Carmen M Ugarte, Michelle M Wander | 2022 | FA | N/A | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
The joint effects of information and financing constraints on technology adoption: Evidence from a field experiment in rural Tanzania | Journal of Development Economics | Harou, A.P., Madajewicz, M., Michelson, H., Palm, C.A., Amuri, N., Magomba, C., Semoka, J.M., Tschirhart, K., & Weil, R. | 2022 | FA, SC | (FE) Field Experiment | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Digital trust substitution technologies to support smallholder livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa | Global Food Security | Lee, N.M., Varshney, L.R., Michelson, H.C., Goldsmith, P., & Davis, A. | 2022 | FA, SC | (OM) Other | |
O Cooperativismo na dinâmica econômica e social da agropecuária brasileira | Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada | Mary Arends-Kuenning, Roberta Vedana, Marcos de Oliveira Garcias, Pery Francisco Assis Shikida | 2022 | FA, SC | N/A | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
The Economics of Aquatic Plants: The Case of Algae and Duckweed | Annual Review of Resource Economics | Hochman, Gal & Ruslana Rachel Palatnik | 2022 | FA | (SM) System Modeling | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Inducing the adoption of emerging technologies for sustainable intensification of food and renewable energy production: insights from applied economics | Aust. J Agric Resource Econ. | Khanna, M. and Miao, R. | 2022 | FA | (PD) Policy Design | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
The effect of farm size and farmland use on agricultural diversification: a spatial analysis of Brazilian municipalities | Anais | Mary Arends-Kuenning, JL Parre, ALS Chagas | 2022 | FA, LW | N/A | (WP) Working Paper |
A roadmap toward scalably quantifying field-level agricultural carbon outcome | EarthArXiv | Guan, K., Jin, Z., DeLucia, E.H., West, P., Peng, B., Tang, J., Jiang, C., Wang, S., Kim, T., Zhou, W., Griffis, T., Liu, L., Qin, Z., Margenot, A.J., Kumar, V., Bernacchi, C.J., Yang, W.H., Lee, D., Coppess, J.W., Gerber, J., Jahn, M., Khanna, M., & Yang, S. | 2022 | FA | (SM) System Modeling | (WP) Working Paper |
Empoderamento feminino na agricultura: um estudo na Lar Cooperativa Agroindustrial (Paraná) | Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural | Mary Arends-Kuenning, Roberta Vedana, Pery Francisco Assis Shikida, Marcos de Oliveira Garcias | 2022 | FA, SC | N/A | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Factors associated with harvest and postharvest loss among soybean farmers in Western Paraná State, Brazil | Food Policy | Mary Arends-Kuenning, Marcos Garcias, Akito Kamei, Pery Francisco Assis Shikida, Gisele Esser Romani | 2022 | FA | N/A | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Responsiveness of miscanthus and switchgrass yields to stand age and nitrogen fertilization: A meta-regression analysis | GCB-Energy | Bijay P. Sharma, B.P., Zhang, N., Lee, D., Heaton, E., Delucia, E.H., Sacks, E.J., Kantola, I.B., Boersma, N.N., Long, S.P., Voigt, T.B., & Khanna, M. | 2022 | FA, EE | (OM) Other | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
The impacts of temperature on Chinese food processing firms | Agricultural and Resource Economics | Chen, X., Khanna, M., & Lu Yang, L. | 2022 | FA | (IE) Impact Evaluation | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
An Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change in Illinois, Chapter 4: Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture, Supplemental Materials | The Nature Conservancy, Illinois | Gramig, B.M., Khanna, M., & Jain, A. | 2021 | FA | N/A | |
Machine learning for food security: Principles for transparency and usability | Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy | Zhou, Y., Lentz, E., Michelson, H., Kim, C., & Baylis, K. | 2021 | FA | (OM) Other | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Impact of plate shape and size on individual food waste in a university dining hall | Resources, Conservation and Recycling | Richardson, R., Pflugh Prescott, M., & Ellison, B. (2021) | 2021 | FA | (FE) Field Experiment | |
Public good provision and democracy: Evidence from an experiment with farmer groups in Malawi | World Development | Nourania, V., Maertens, A., & Michelson, H. | 2021 | FA, SC | (PD) Policy Design, (FE) Field Experiment | |
Economics of household food waste | Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics | Lusk, JL, & Ellison, B. | 2021 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Farmland Rental Rates: Does Organic Certification Matter? | Land Economics | Joe Janzen, Kate Binzen Fuller, B Munkhnasan | 2021 | FA | N/A | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Challenges and opportunities in precision irrigation decision-support systems for center pivots | Environmental Research Letters | Zhang, J., Guan, K., Peng, B., Jiang, C., Zhou, W., Yang, Yi., Pan, M., Franz, T.E., Heeren, D.M., Rudnick, D.R., Abimbola, O., Kimm, H., Caylor, K, Good, S.P., Khanna, M., Gates, J., & Cai, Y | 2021 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Digital transformation of the agricultural sector: pathways, drivers and policy implications | Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy | Khanna, M. | 2021 | FA | (OM) Other | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Impact of changes in Title II of the 2018 Farm Bill on the acreage and environmental benefits of Conservation Reserve Program | Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy | Cornish, B., Miao, R., & Khanna, M. | 2021 | FA | (IE) Impact Evaluation | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
How do farmers learn from extension services? Evidence from Malawi | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | Maertens, A., Michelson, H., & Nourani, V. | 2021 | FA, LW, SC | (IE) Impact Evaluation, (PD) Policy Design | |
Misperceived Quality: Fertilizer in Tanzania | Journal of Development Economics | Michelson, H., Fairbairn, A, Ellison, B., Maertens, A., & Manyong, V. | 2021 | FA | (FE) Field Experiment | |
Conservation tillage mitigates drought induced soybean yield losses in the US Corn Belt | Q Open | Chen, B., Gramig, B.M., & Yun, S.D. | 2021 | FA, LW | (IE) Impact Evaluation | |
Sustainability standards in global agrifood supply chains | Nature Food | Meemken, E.M., Barrett, C.B., Michelson, H.C., Qaim, M., Reardon, T., Sellare, J. | 2021 | FA, SC | (OM) Other | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Conservation agriculture and climate resilience | Journal of Environmental Economics and Management' | Michler, J. D., Baylis, K., Arends-Kuenning, M., & Mazvimavi, K. |
2020 | FA | (IE) Impact Evaluation | |
Food loss and waste in the United States during COVID-19 | Farmdoc Daily | Ellison, B., & Kalaitzandonakes, M. | 2020 | FA | (OM) Other | |
The value of conducting on-farm field trials using precision agriculture technology: A theory and simulations | Precision Agriculture | Bullock, D. S., Mieno, T., & Hwang, J. | 2020 | FA | (SM) System Modeling, (OM) Other | |
Integrated approaches to understanding and reducing drought impact on food security across scales | Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability | He, X., Estes, L., Konar, M., Tian, D., Anghileri, D., Baylis, K., ... & Sheffield, J. |
2020 | FA | (SM) System Modeling | |
Economic studies reinforce efforts to safeguard specialty crops in the United States | American Phytopathological Society Publications | Fuchs, M., Almeyda, C. V., Al Rwahnih, M., Atallah, S., Cieniwicz, E., Farrar, K., Foote, W., Golino, D. A., Gómez, M., Harper, S., Kelly, M., Martin, R., Martinson, T., Osman, F., Park, K., Scharlau, V., Smith, R., Tzanetakis, I. E., Vidalakis, G., & Welliver, R. | 2020 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Optimal monitoring and controlling of invasive species: The case of spotted wing drosophila in the United States | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | Fan, X., Gómez, M. I., Atallah, S. S., & Conrad, J. M. |
2020 | FA, O | (SM) System Modeling | |
How do farmers learn from extension services? Evidence from Malawi | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | Maertens, A., Michelson, H., & Nourani, V. | 2020 | FA | N/A | |
Does the origin of inputs and processing matter? Evidence from consumers’ valuation for craft beer | Food Quality and Preference | Atallah, S. S., Bazzani, C., Ha, K. A., & Nayga., R. M. | 2020 | FA | (VA) Valuation | |
Yield effects of climate-smart agriculture aid investment in southern Malawi | Food Policy | Amadu, F.O., McNamara, P.E., & Miller, D.C. (2020). | 2020 | FA | (IE) Impact Evaluation, (PD) Policy Design | |
Economic studies reinforce efforts to safeguard specialty crops in the United States | APS Publications | Fuchs, M., Almeyda, C. V., Al Rwahnih, M., Atallah, S. S., Cieniewicz, E. J., Farrar, K., Foote,, W. R., Golino, D. A., Gómez, M. I., Harper, S. J., Kelly, M. K., Martin, R. R., Martinson, T., Osman, F. M., Park, K., Scharlau, V., Smith, R., Tzanetakis, I. E., Vidalakis, G., & Welliver, R. | 2020 | FA | (OM) Other | |
The Potential Economic Feasibility of Direct Electrochemical Nitrogen Reduction as a Route to Ammonia | ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering | Hochman, Gal; Goldman, Alan; Felder, Frank; Mayer, James; Miller, Alexander; Holland, Patrick; Goldman, Leo; Manocha, Patricia; Song, Ze; Aleti, Saketh | 2020 | FA | (SM) System Modeling | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Understanding the adoption of climate-smart agriculture: A farm-level typology with empirical evidence from southern Malawi | World Development | Amadu, F.O., McNamara, P.E., & Miller, D.C. | 2020 | FA | (IE) Impact Evaluation, (PD) Policy Design | |
The effect of farm size and farmland use on agricultural diversification: a spatial analysis of Brazilian municipalities | Agricultural and Food Economics | José Luiz Parré, André Luis Squarize Chagas & Mary Paula Arends-Kuenning | 2020 | FA | (IE) Impact Evaluation | (PR) Peer Reviewed |
Modeling the economic and environmental effects of corn nitrogen management strategies in Illinois | Field Crops Research | Mandrini, G., Bullock, D. S., & Martin, N. F. | 2020 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Assessing the role of stakeholder platforms as drivers of resilient communities: the case of Malawi | Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension | Álvarez-Mingote, C., Moore, A.C., & McNamara, P.E. | 2020 | FA, SC | (IE) Impact Evaluation, (PD) Policy Design | |
Overlooked benefits of nutrient reductions in the Mississippi River Basin | Land Economics | Parthum, B., & Ando, A.W. | 2020 | FA, LW | (VA) Valuation | |
Spatial variability of crop responses to agronomic inputs in on-farm precision experimentation | Precision Agriculture | Trevisan, R. G., Bullock, D. S., & Martin, N. F. | 2020 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Agroforestry as a pathway to agricultural yield impacts in climate-smart agriculture investments: Evidence from southern Malawi | Ecological Economics | Amadu, F.O, Miller, D.C., & McNamara, P.E. | 2020 | FA | (IE) Impact Evaluation, (PD) Policy Design | |
Can irrigation infrastructure mitigate the effect of rainfall shocks on conflict? Evidence from Indonesia | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | Gatti, N., Baylis, K., & Crost, B. |
2020 | FA, O | (IE) Impact Evaluation | |
Agricultural impacts of climate change in Indiana and potential adaptations | Climatic Change | Bowling, L.C., Cherkauer, K., Lee, C., Beckerman, J., Brouder, S., Buzan, J., Doering, O., Dukes, J., Ebner, P., Frankenberger, J., Gramig, B.M., Kladivko, E., Volenec, J. | 2020 | FA, LW | (SM) System Modeling | |
Assessing the downstream socioeconomic impacts of agroforestry in Kenya | World Development | Hughes, K., Morgan, S., Baylis, K., Oduol, J., Smith-Dumont, E., Vågen, T. G., & Kegode, H. |
2020 | FA, SC | (IE) Impact Evaluation | |
Are Farmers Made Whole by Trade Aid? | Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy | Janzen, J.P., & Hendricks, N.P. | 2020 | FA | (PD) Policy Design | |
Neonicotinoids and decline in bird biodiversity in the United States | Nature Sustainability | Yijia Li, Y., Miao, R., & Khanna, M. |
2020 | FA | (IE) Impact Evaluation | |
Economic drivers of food loss at the farm and pre-retail sectors: A look at the produce supply chain in the United States | Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture | Minor, T., Astill, G., Raszap Skorbiansky, S., Thornsbury, S., Buzby, J.C., Hitaj, C., Kantor, L., Kuchler, F., Ellison, B., Mishra, A.K., Roe, B., & Richards, T.J. |
2020 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Market structure and the effect of ethanol expansion on Land allocation: A spatially explicit analysis | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | Wang, Y., Delgado, M. S., Sesmero, J. P., Gramig, B. M. |
2020 | FA, LW | (IE) Impact Evaluation, (SM) System Modeling | |
After the drought: The impact of microinsurance on consumption smoothing and asset protection | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | Janzen, S. A., & Carter, M. R. | 2019 | FA, SC | (IE) Impact Evaluation | |
Using digital agriculture technologies to improve nitrogen management and wheat yield | Cereal Foods World | Tao, H., & Bullock, D. S. |
2019 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Perdas na colheita de soja na região oeste do Paraná | Revista Tecnologia e Sociedade | Esser Romani, G., Arends-Kuenning, M., Assis Shikida, P.F, & de Oliveira Garcias, M. | 2019 | FA, LW | (OM) Other | |
The data-intensive farm management project: Changing agronomic research through on-farm experimentation | Agronomy Journal | Bullock, D. S., Boerngen, M., Tao, H., Maxwell, B., Luck, J. D., Shiratsuchi, L., Puntel, L. & Martin, N. F. | 2019 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Phytosanitary Regulation of Washington Apple Producers under an Apple Maggot Quarantine Program. | Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics | Hong, Y., Gallardo, K., Fan, X., Atallah, S. S., Gómez, M. |
2019 | FA, O | (SM) System Modeling | |
Conservation agriculture and climate resilience | Journal of Environmental Economics and Management | Michler, J., Baylis, K., Arends-Kuenning, M., & Mazvimavi, K. | 2019 | FA, LW | (IE) Impact Evaluation | |
Adoption of agricultural conservation practices in the United States: Evidence from 35 Years of quantitative literature | Journal of Soil and Water Conservation | Prokopy, LS, K Floress, JG Arbuckle, SP Church, F Eanes, Y Gao*, BM Gramig, P Ranjan, AS Singh | 2019 | FA, LW | (OM) Other | |
Improving yield mapping accuracy using remote sensing | Preprints | Trevisan, R. G., Shiratsuchi, L. S., Bullock, D. S. & Martin, N. F. |
2019 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Every plate counts: Evaluation of a food waste reduction campaign in a university dining hall | Resources, Conservation and Recycling | Ellison, B., Savchenko, O., Nikolaus, C.J., & Duff, B.R.L. | 2019 | FA, O | (OM) Other | |
Adopting energy crops: Does farmers' attitude toward loss matter? | Agricultural Economics | Anand, M., Miao, R. & Khanna, M. | 2019 | FA, EE | (PD) Policy Design, (SM) System Modeling | |
Establishing the precision and robustness of farmers’ crop experiments | Field Crops Research | Marchant, B., Rudolph, S., Roques, S., Kindred, D., Gillingham, V., Welham, S., Coleman, C. & Sylvester-Bradley, R. | 2019 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Opportunities and challenges in conducting economic research on food loss and waste | Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy | Ellison, B., Muth, M.K., & Golan, E. | 2019 | FA, O | (OM) Other | |
Harnessing advances in agricultural technologies to optimize resource utilization in the food-energy-water nexus | Annual Review of Resource Economics | Miao, R. and M. Khanna | 2019 | FA, EE | (OM) Other | |
Site-specific treatment responses in on-farm precision experimentation | Preprints | Trevisan, R. G., Bullock, D. S. & Martín, N. F. |
2019 | FA | (IE) Impact Evaluation | |
Agro-climatic data by county: A spatially and temporally consistent U.S. dataset for agricultural yields, weather and soils | Data | Yun, S.D., & Gramig, B.M. | 2019 | FA, O | (OM) Other | |
A discussion of market and policy failures associated with herbicide-tolerant crops | International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability | Desquilbet, M., Bullock, D.S. & D'Arcangelo, F.M. | 2019 | FA | (OM) Other | |
The effect of projected climate change on the economics of conservation tillage | Agronomy Journal | Hodde, W., Sesmero, J., Gramig, B., Vyn, T., & Doering, O |
2019 | FA, LW | N/A | |
A data-driven approach improves food insecurity crisis prediction | World Development | Lentz, E. C., Michelson, H., Baylis, K., & Zhou, Y. | 2019 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Toward a regional phosphorus (re)cycle in the U.S. Midwest | Journal of Environmental Quality | Margenot, A. J., Kitt, D., Gramig, B. M., Berkshire, T. B., Chatterjee, N., Hertzberger, A. J., ... & Cusick, R. D. | 2019 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Constraints to adopting soil fertility management practices in Malawi: A choice experiment approach | World Development | Krah, K., Michelson, H., Perge, E., & Jindal, R. | 2019 | FA | (VA) Valuation | |
Smallholder food storage dynamics and resilience | Food Security | Waldman, K. B., Giroux, S., Blekking, J. P., Baylis, K., & Evans, T. P. |
2019 | FA, O | (IE) Impact Evaluation, (OM) Other | |
The origins, consequences, and implications of Stanford's 1.2 Rule for nitrogen fertilizer application | Agronomy Journal | Rodriguez, D.G.P., & Bullock, D. S. | 2019 | FA | (SM) System Modeling, (OM) Other | |
Sustaining our natural resources in the face of increasing societal demands on agriculture: Directions for future research | Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy | Khanna, M., Switon, S.M., & Messer, K.S. |
2018 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Harnessing emerging technologies to address the Hypoxia challenge | Nature Sustainability | Khanna, M., Gramig, B. , Cai, X., DeLucia, E., & Kumar, P. |
2018 | FA | (OM) Other | |
A bioeconomic model of Canadian honeybee colonies and the effect of marker-assisted selection (MAS) in queen breeding affects colony profits | Economic Entomology | Bixby, M., Baylis, K., Hoover, S., Currie, R. W., & Melathopoulos, A. P. |
2018 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Examining household food waste decisions: A vignette approach | Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy | Ellison, B., & Lusk, J.L. | 2018 | FA, O | (OM) Other | |
Agricultural nitrogen losses in a changing climate: Processes, predictions, and agroecological solutions | Nature Sustainability | Bowles, T. M., Atallah, S. S., Campbell, E. E., Gaudin, A. C. M., Wieder, W. R., Grandy, A. S. |
2018 | FA | (OM) Other | |
A bioeconomic model of ecosystem service provision: Coffee berry borer and shade-grown coffee | Ecological Economics | Atallah, S. S., Gómez, M. I., & Jaramillo, J. |
2018 | FA | (SM) System Modeling | |
A risk analysis of precision agriculture technology to manage tomato late blight | Sustainability | Liu, Y., Langemeier, M. R., Small, I. M., Joseph, L., Fry, W. E., Ristaino, J. B., ... & Preckel, P. V. | 2018 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Effects of ethanol plant proximity and crop prices on land-use change in the United States | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | Li, Y., Miao, R., & Khanna, M. |
2018 | FA, EE | (IE) Impact Evaluation | |
Presentation matters: Number of attributes presented impacts estimated preferences | Agribusiness | Byrd, E. S., Widmar, N. J. O., & Gramig, B. M. |
2018 | FA, O | (VA) Valuation | |
Climate change beliefs, risk perceptions, and adaptation behavior among Midwestern U.S. crop farmers | Climate Risk Management | Mase, A. S., Gramig, B. M., & Prokopy, L. S. |
2017 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Will consumers find vertically farmed produce ‘out of reach’? | Choices | Coyle, Bradford D., & Ellison, B. |
2017 | FA | (VA) Valuation | |
Integrated economic and environmental assessment of cellulosic biofuel production in an agricultural watershed | BioEnergy Research | Song, J., Gramig, B. M., Cibin, R., & Chaubey, I. |
2017 | FA, LW | (SM) System Modeling | |
Which livestock production methods matter most to consumers and why? | Agriculture and Human Values | Ellison, B., Brooks, K., & Mieno, T. |
2017 | FA, O | (VA) Valuation, (OM) Other | |
Farmer preferences for agricultural soil carbon sequestration schemes | Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy | Gramig, B. M., & Widmar, N. J. |
2017 | FA | (VA) Valuation | |
Nitrogen application decision-making under climate risk in the U.S. corn belt | Climate Risk Management | Gramig, B. M., Massey, R., & Do Yun, S. |
2017 | FA, O | (OM) Other | |
Crop yield response function and ex post economic thresholds: The impacts of crop growth stage-specific weather conditions on crop yield | Working Paper | Yun, S. D., & Gramig, B. | 2017 | FA | (IE) Impact Evaluation | |
Specification of spatial dynamic externalities and implications for strategic behavior in disease control | Land Economics | Atallah, S. S., Gómez, M. I., & Conrad, J. M. |
2017 | FA, O | (SM) System Modeling | |
Costs of Meeting a Cellulosic biofuel mandate with perennial energy crops: Implications for policy | Energy Economics | Miao, R., & Khanna, M. |
2017 | FA, EE | (SM) System Modeling | |
Effectiveness of the biomass crop assistance program: Roles of behavioral factors, credit constraint, and program design | Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy | Miao, R., & Khanna, M. |
2017 | FA, EE | (SM) System Modeling | |
Nexus between food, energy and ecosystem services in the Mississippi River basin: Policy implications and challenges | Choices | Khanna, M. |
2017 | FA, EE | (OM) Other | |
Variable soils, variable fertilizer quality, and variable prospects | Tropical Conservation Science | Michelson, H. | 2017 | FA, O | (OM) Other | |
The influence of retail outlet and FSMA information on consumer perceptions of and willingness to pay for organic grape tomatoes | Journal of Economic Psychology | Ellison, B., Bernard, J., Paukett, M., & Toensmeyer, U.C. |
2016 | FA, O | (IE) Impact Evaluation, (VA) Valuation | |
A national survey of managed honey bee 2014 - 2015 annual colony losses in the USA | Journal of Apicultural Research | Seitz, N., Traynor, K.S., Steinhauer, N., Rennich, K., Wilson, M.E., Ellis, J.D., Rose, R., Tarpy, D.R., Sagili, R.R., Caron, D.M., Delaplane, K.S., Rangel, J., Lee, K., Baylis, K., Wilkes, J.T., & vanEngelsdorp, D. |
2016 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Responsiveness of yield and acreage to climate and prices | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | Miao, R., Khanna, M., & Huang, H. |
2016 | FA | (IE) Impact Evaluation | |
Days suitable for fieldwork in the US corn belt: Climate, soils and spatial heterogeneity | Working Paper | Gramig, B. M., & Yun, S. D |
2016 | FA, O | (SM) System Modeling | |
Balancing public goods in agriculture through safe minimum standards | European Review of Agricultural Economics | Bullock, D.S., Mittenzwei, K. & Wangsness, P.B. |
2016 | FA | (PD) Policy Design, (SM) System Modeling | |
Simulating the value of information generated by on-farm field trials using precision agriculture technology | Working paper | Bullock, D. S. & Mieno, T. |
2016 | FA | (SM) System Modeling | |
The intensity of adoption of the conservation agriculture by smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe | Agrekon | Pedzisa, T., Rugube, L., Winter-Nelson, A., Baylis, K., & Mazvimavi, K. | 2015 | FA | (OM) Other | |
A national survey of managed honey bee 2013-2014 annual colony losses in the USA: Results from the bee informed partnership | Apidologie | Lee, K., Steinhauer, N. Rennich, K., Wilson, M.E., Tarpy, D.R., Caron, D.M., Rose, R., Delaplane, K.S. , Baylis, K., Nguyen, B.K., Soroker, V., LeConte, Y., & Saegerman, C. |
2015 | FA | (OM) Other | |
Agro-Climatic Data by County (ACDC), 1981-2015 | Purdue University Research Repository | Yun, S.D., & Gramig, B.M. | 2015 | FA, LW | (OM) Other | |
Optimal mix of vertical integration and contracting for energy crops effect of risk preferences and land quality | Applied Economic Policy and Perspectives | Yang, X., Paulson, N. D., & Khanna, M. |
2015 | FA, EE | (SM) System Modeling | |
A plant-level, spatial, bioeconomic model of plant disease diffusion and control: grapevine leafroll disease | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | Atallah, S. S., Gómez, M. I., Conrad, J. M., & Nyrop, J. P. |
2015 | FA | (SM) System Modeling | |
Reducing the economic impact of grapevine leafroll disease in California: identifying optimal disease management strategies | American Journal of Enology and Viticulture | Ricketts, K. D., Gomez, M. I., Atallah, S. S., Fuchs, M. F., Martinson, T. E., Battany, M. C., Bettiga, L. J., Cooper, M. L., Verdegaal, P. S., & Smith, R. J. |
2015 | FA | (OM) Other |