We use a variety of well-tested and novel approaches to understanding how to balance economic, social and environmental objectives.  From cost-benefit analysis to machine learning, CEOS members use and advance methods to model complex social-environmental systems, estimate impact of interventions and design optimal policy solutions to enable us to build a more sustainable society.

Research Output

Title Publication Authors Year Published Category Method Status
Can insurance alter poverty dynamics and reduce the cost of social protection in developing countries? Journal of Risk and Insurance Janzen, S. A., Carter, M. R., & Ikegami, M. 2020 SC (SM) System Modeling
Poverty traps and the social protection paradox The Economics of Poverty Traps (book) Ikegami, M., Carter, M. R., & Barrett, C. B. 2019 SC (SM) System Modeling
Can insurance help manage climate risk and food insecurity? Evidence from the pastoral regions of East Africa Climate Smart Agriculture - Building Resilience to Climate Change Carter, M. R., A., & Stoeffler, Q. 2018 SC (SM) System Modeling
Social protection in the face of climate change: Targeting principles and transfer mechanisms Environment and Development Economics Carter, M. R. 2018 SC (SM) System Modeling
The importance of animal source foods for nutrient sufficiency in the developing world: The Zambia scenario Food and Nutrition Bulletin Zhang, Z., Goldsmith, P. D., & Winter-Nelson, A. 2016 SC (PD) Policy Design, (SM) System Modeling
The economics of post-harvest loss: A case study of the new large soybean-maize producers in tropical Brazil Food Security Goldsmith, P.D., Martins, A.G., & Moura, A.D. 2015 SC (SM) System Modeling