David S. Bullock

David Bullock

Dr. Bullock leads the Data Intensive Farm Management (DIFM) research team to improve the way the world fertilizes its crops. DIFM uses precision agriculture technology for large-scale agronomic field trials on farmers’ own fields, to generate “Big” agronomic data.  DIFM analyzes those data to find efficient means of reducing the loss of nitrogen fertilizer into the Mississippi River basin.

Publications with CEOS themes since 2015

Research Output

Title Publication Year Category
Measuring the Estimation Bias of Yield Response to N Using Combined On-Farm Experiment Data 2024 FA
Processing of On-Farm Precision Experiment Data in the DIFM Project Center for Open Science 2024 FA
Bias in economic evaluation of variable rate application based on geographically weighted regression models with misspecified functional form Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association 2024 FA
Can machine learning models provide accurate fertilizer recommendations? Precision Agriculture 2024 FA
Spatial variability of crop responses to agronomic inputs in on-farm precision experimentation Precision Agriculture 2020 FA
Modeling the economic and environmental effects of corn nitrogen management strategies in Illinois Field Crops Research 2020 FA
The value of conducting on-farm field trials using precision agriculture technology: A theory and simulations Precision Agriculture 2020 FA
Using digital agriculture technologies to improve nitrogen management and wheat yield Cereal Foods World 2019 FA
The data-intensive farm management project: Changing agronomic research through on-farm experimentation Agronomy Journal 2019 FA
Improving yield mapping accuracy using remote sensing Preprints 2019 FA
Establishing the precision and robustness of farmers’ crop experiments Field Crops Research 2019 FA
Site-specific treatment responses in on-farm precision experimentation Preprints 2019 FA
A discussion of market and policy failures associated with herbicide-tolerant crops International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 2019 FA
The origins, consequences, and implications of Stanford's 1.2 Rule for nitrogen fertilizer application Agronomy Journal 2019 FA
Balancing public goods in agriculture through safe minimum standards European Review of Agricultural Economics 2016 FA
Simulating the value of information generated by on-farm field trials using precision agriculture technology Working paper 2016 FA