We use a variety of well-tested and novel approaches to understanding how to balance economic, social and environmental objectives.  From cost-benefit analysis to machine learning, CEOS members use and advance methods to model complex social-environmental systems, estimate impact of interventions and design optimal policy solutions to enable us to build a more sustainable society.

Research Output

Title Publication Authors Year Published Category Method Status
What the Judge Ate for Breakfast: Reasonable Consumer Challenges in Misleading Food Labeling Claims Loyola Consumer Law Review A. Bryan Endres, Jessica Guarino, Nabilah Nathani 2023 O N/A (PR) Peer Reviewed
Inferential and behavioral implications of measurement error in agricultural data Annual Review of Resource Economics Hope Michelson, Kibrom A Abay, Tesfamicheal Wossen, Gashaw T Abate, James R Stevenson, Christopher B Barrett 2023 O N/A (PR) Peer Reviewed
The costs and benefits of primary prevention of zoonotic pandemics Science Advances Bernstein, A.S., Ando, A.W., and authors 2022 O (SM) System Modeling (PR) Peer Reviewed
Breakthroughs at the disciplinary nexus: Rewards and challenges for applied economists American Journal of Agricultural Economics Khanna, M. 2022 O (OM) Other (PR) Peer Reviewed
The impact of management systems on technical change: the adoption of pollution prevention techniques Economic Change and Restructuring Deltas, G., Harrington, D.R., & Khanna, M. 2021 O (IE) Impact Evaluation (PR) Peer Reviewed
Restaurant disclosure of food allergens: Analysis and economic implications Tourism and Hospitality Research Renata Endres, A Bryan Endres, Marinela Krstinić Nižić 2021 O N/A (PR) Peer Reviewed
Incentives for Corporate Social Responsibility in India: mandate, Peer Pressure and crowding-Out Effects Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Bansal, S. and J. Sydlowski 2020 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Incentives for corporate social responsibility in India: Mandate, peer pressure and crowding-out effects Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Sangeeta Bansal, S., Khanna, M., & J. Sydlowski 2020 O (IE) Impact Evaluation, (PD) Policy Design
Can irrigation infrastructure mitigate the effect of rainfall shocks on conflict? Evidence from Indonesia American Journal of Agricultural Economics Gatti, N., Baylis, K., & Crost, B.
2020 FA, O (IE) Impact Evaluation
The price of biodiesel RINs and economic fundamentals American Journal of Agricultural Economics Irwin, S. H., McCormack, K., & Stock, J. H. 2020 O (OM) Other
The Impact of Management Systems on technical change: The adoption of pollution prevention techniques Economic Change and Restructuring Deltas, G., Khanna, M., & Ramirez-Harrington, D.
2020 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
The effect of NAFTA on internal migration in Mexico: A regional economic analysis Applied Economics Arends-Kuenning, M., Baylis, K., & Garduño-Rivera, R.
2020 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Worshipping the tiger: Modeling non-use existence values of wildlife spiritual services Environmental and Resource Economics Lopes, A. A., & Atallah, S. S. 2020 LW, O (SM) System Modeling
Treba li smanjiti ili povećati poreze u turizmu? Libertas međunarodno sveučilište A Bryan Endres 2020 O N/A
Unlocking amenities: Complementarity in public good consumption  Journal of Public Economics Albouy, D., Christensen, P., & Sarmiento, I.
2020 SC, O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Optimal monitoring and controlling of invasive species: The case of spotted wing drosophila in the United States American Journal of Agricultural Economics Fan, X., Gómez, M. I., Atallah, S. S., & Conrad, J. M.
2020 FA, O (SM) System Modeling
Agent-based modeling of moose-winter tick relationships in Northern New Hampshire Ecological Complexity Healy, C., Pekins, P. J., Atallah, S. S., & Congalton, R.
2020 O (SM) System Modeling
Fraccidents: The impact of fracking on road traffic deaths Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Xu, M., & Xu, Y. 2020 EE, O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Sorting or steering: Experimental evidence on the economic effects of housing discrimination  NBER Working Paper Christensen, P., & Timmins, C.
2019 SC, O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Economic effects of environmental crises: Evidence from Flint, Michigan  Working Paper Christensen, P., Keiser, D., & Lade, G.
2019 SC, O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Housing discrimination and the pollution exposure gap in the United States Working Paper Christensen, P., Timmins, C., & Sarmiento, I. 2019 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
National school lunch nutrition and cost profile: a case study of the Ghana School Feeding Programme Food and Nutrition Bulletin Goldsmith, P.D., Andrade, J., Cornelius, M, Asigbee, M., Atiim, P. & Tamimie, C. 2019 O (OM) Other
Smallholder food storage dynamics and resilience Food Security Waldman, K. B., Giroux, S., Blekking, J. P., Baylis, K., & Evans, T. P. 
2019 FA, O (IE) Impact Evaluation, (OM) Other
The owner-renter incidence gap of gentrification - A perspective from downward mobility Journal of Housing Economics Zhang, Y., Christensen, P., Greenlee, A., & Hewings, G.
2019 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Every plate counts: Evaluation of a food waste reduction campaign in a university dining hall Resources, Conservation and Recycling Ellison, B., Savchenko, O., Nikolaus, C.J., & Duff, B.R.L. 2019 FA, O (OM) Other
Machine learning in agricultural and applied economics European Review of Agricultural Economics Storm, H., Baylis, K., & Heckelei, T. 
2019 O (OM) Other
Temperature and production efficiency growth: Empirical evidence Climatic Changes Kumar, S., & Khanna, M.
2019 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Opportunities and challenges in conducting economic research on food loss and waste Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy Ellison, B., Muth, M.K., & Golan, E. 2019 FA, O (OM) Other
The social lives of married women: Peer effects in female autonomy and children’s food consumption Journal of Development Economics Kandpal, E., & Baylis, K. 
2019 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Agro-climatic data by county: A spatially and temporally consistent U.S. dataset for agricultural yields, weather and soils Data Yun, S.D., & Gramig, B.M. 2019 FA, O (OM) Other
Suburbs or skyscrapers: The effect of China's land leasing market on housing decentralization Land Economics Christensen, P.
2019 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Bridging versus bonding social capital and the management of the firewood commons Land Economics Baylis, K, Gong, Y., & Wang, S.
2019 SC, O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Agricultural market liberalization and household food security in rural China American Journal of Agricultural Economics Baylis, K., Fan, L., & Nogueira, L.
2019 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Are non-market values important to smallholders’ afforestation decisions? A psychometric segmentation and its implications for afforestation programs Forest Policy and Economics Baker, K., Baylis, K., Bull, G., & Barichello, R.
2019 LW, O (VA) Valuation
Phytosanitary Regulation of Washington Apple Producers under an Apple Maggot Quarantine Program.  Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics Hong, Y., Gallardo, K., Fan, X., Atallah, S. S., Gómez, M.
2019 FA, O (SM) System Modeling
High cotton & low road: Unraveling Farm Bill Coalition Drake Journal of Agricultural Law Coppess, J. W. 2019 O (OM) Other
A perspective on agricultural policy in the age of nutrient loss Drake Journal of Agricultural Law Coppess, J. W. 2018 O (OM) Other
Examining household food waste decisions: A vignette approach Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy Ellison, B., & Lusk, J.L. 2018 FA, O (OM) Other
Fault Lines of Farm Policy University of Nebraska Press Coppess, J. W. 2018 O (OM) Other
Water impacts of U.S. biofuels: Insights from an assessment combining economic and biophysical models Plos One Teter, J., Yeh, S., Khanna, M., Berndes, G., & Chen, X.
2018 O (OM) Other
Wasted food: A qualitative study of U.S. young adults' perceptions, beliefs and behaviors Appetite Nikolaus, C.J., Nickols-Richardson, S.M., & Ellison, B. 2018 O (OM) Other
The evolution towards peer-reviewed invited papers in the American Journal of Agricultural Economics American Journal of Agricultural Economics Khanna, M.
2018 O (OM) Other
Modeling uncertainty in climate change: A multi-model comparison Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economics Gillingham, K., Nordhaus, W., Blanford, G., Bosetti, V., Christensen, P., McJeon, H., Reilly, J., and Sztorc, P.
2018 O (SM) System Modeling
Uncertainty in forecasts of long-run productivity growth Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Christensen, P., Gillingham, K., & Nordhaus, W. 2018 O (OM) Other
Presentation matters: Number of attributes presented impacts estimated preferences Agribusiness Byrd, E. S., Widmar, N. J. O., & Gramig, B. M. 
2018 FA, O (VA) Valuation
Does a nutritious diet cost more in food deserts? Agricultural Economics Fan, L., Baylis, K., Gundersen, C., & Ploeg, M. V.
2018 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Which livestock production methods matter most to consumers and why? Agriculture and Human Values Ellison, B., Brooks, K., & Mieno, T.
2017 FA, O (VA) Valuation, (OM) Other
Inducing pollution prevention: Effectiveness of the 33/50 voluntary environmental program Journal of Environmental Planning and Management Bi, X., & Khanna, M.
2017 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Variable soils, variable fertilizer quality, and variable prospects Tropical Conservation Science Michelson, H. 2017 FA, O (OM) Other
Influence of neighbor experience and exit on small farmer market participation American Journal of Agricultural Economics American Journal of Agricultural Economics 2017 O (SM) System Modeling
Finding the right value: Framing effects on domain experts Political Psychology Andrews, A. C., Clawson, R. A. & Gramig, B. M. 2017 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Environmental hazards and mortgage credit risk: Evidence from Texas pipeline incidents Real Estate Economics Xu, M., & Xu, Y. 2017 EE, O (IE) Impact Evaluation
A note on modeling household food waste behavior Applied Economics Letters Lusk, J.L., & Ellison, B.
2017 O (SM) System Modeling
Nitrogen application decision-making under climate risk in the U.S. corn belt Climate Risk Management Gramig, B. M., Massey, R., & Do Yun, S. 
2017 FA, O (OM) Other
Specification of spatial dynamic externalities and implications for strategic behavior in disease control Land Economics Atallah, S. S., Gómez, M. I., & Conrad, J. M.
2017 FA, O (SM) System Modeling
Goldilocks and the raster grid: Choosing a unit of analysis for evaluating conservation programs PlosOne Avelino, A. F. T., Baylis, K., & Honey-Rosés, J.
2016 LW, O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Days suitable for fieldwork in the US corn belt: Climate, soils and spatial heterogeneity Working Paper Gramig, B. M., & Yun, S. D
2016 FA, O (SM) System Modeling
Can peers improve agricultural revenue? World Development Songsermsawas, T., Baylis, K., Chhatre, A., & Michelson, H. 2016 O (IE) Impact Evaluation, (SM) System Modeling
The effects of oil price on regional trade in the united states Journal of Economic Geography Szewerniak, W., Xu, Y., & Dall'erba, S. 2016 O (SM) System Modeling
Putting the organic label in context: Examining the interactions between the organic label, product type, and retail outlet Food Quality and Preference Ellison, B., Duff, B., Wang, Z., & White, T.B.
2016 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
A multiple metrics approach to prioritizing strategies for measuring and managing reactive nitrogen in the San Joaquin Valley of California Environmental Research Letters Horowitz, A. I., Moomaw, W. R., Liptzin, D., Gramig, B. M., Reeling, C., Meyer, J., & Hurley, K. 
2016 O (OM) Other
The influence of retail outlet and FSMA information on consumer perceptions of and willingness to pay for organic grape tomatoes Journal of Economic Psychology Ellison, B., Bernard, J., Paukett, M., & Toensmeyer, U.C.
2016 FA, O (IE) Impact Evaluation, (VA) Valuation
Using a team survey to improve team communication for enhanced delivery of agro-climate decision support tools Agricultural Systems Prokopy, L. S., Hart, C. E., Massey, R., Widhalm, M., Klink, J., Andresen, J., ... & Gramig, B. M.
2015 O (OM) Other