We use a variety of well-tested and novel approaches to understanding how to balance economic, social and environmental objectives.  From cost-benefit analysis to machine learning, CEOS members use and advance methods to model complex social-environmental systems, estimate impact of interventions and design optimal policy solutions to enable us to build a more sustainable society.

Research Output

Title Publication Authors Year Published Category Method Status
Plastic Waste Trade & Coastal Litter: Evidence from Citizen Science Data Rebecca Taylor, Shan Zhang, Hebe Williams 2024 LW (IE) Impact Evaluation (WP) Working Paper
The Dynamic Trajectory of the Effects of Retirement on Health American Society of Health Economics Hyeran Chung, Mary Arends-Kuenning 2024 SC (IE) Impact Evaluation (WP) Working Paper
Do Agricultural stakeholder panels enhance post-harvest loss reduction? Evidence from Malawi Agriculture & Food Security Festus O Amadu, Paul E McNamara 2024 FA (IE) Impact Evaluation (PR) Peer Reviewed
The effect of NAFTA on Mexico's wage gap The Annals of Regional Science Mary P. Arends-Kuenning, Kathy Baylis & Rafael Garduño-Rivera 2024 SC (IE) Impact Evaluation (PR) Peer Reviewed
Strategic innovation and technology adoption under technological uncertainty Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Fanglin Ye, Nicholas Paulson, Madhu Khanna 2024 EE (IE) Impact Evaluation (PR) Peer Reviewed
Known and Unknown: Uncertainty in Estimating Land use Change from Satellite Data Luoye Chen, Madhu Khanna 2024 LW (IE) Impact Evaluation (WP) Working Paper
Policy Instruments to Promote the Adoption of Sustainable Nitrogen Management Practices Menglin Liu, Madhu Khanna, Shadi S Atallah 2024 FA (IE) Impact Evaluation (WP) Working Paper
Identifying the Determinants and Availability of Socially Marginal Land Bijay P Sharma, Madhu Khanna, Tongtong Li, Adam J Daigneault 2024 FA (IE) Impact Evaluation (WP) Working Paper
The spatiotemporal pattern of surface ozone and its impact on agricultural productivity in China PNAS Nexus Madhu Khanna, Xiaoguang Chen, Jing Gao, Luoye Chen, Binlei Gong, Maximilian Auffhammer 2024 O (IE) Impact Evaluation (PR) Peer Reviewed
Relaxing Information and Credit Constraints: Five-Year Experimental Evidence from Tanzanian Agriculture Economic Development and Cultural Change Tamim, A., A. Harou, M. Burke, D. Lobell, M. Madajewicz, C. Magomba, H. Michelson, J. Xue 2024 FA (IE) Impact Evaluation (PR) Peer Reviewed
Pay it Forward: A Mechanism for Achieving Scale in Anti-Poverty Programs Janzen, Sarah and Magnan, Nicholas and Sharma, Sudhindra and William, Thompson M. 2024 FA (IE) Impact Evaluation (WP) Working Paper
Water Quality and the Conservation Reserve Program: Empirical Evidence from the Mississippi River Basin Nicole Karwowski, Robert A Hrozencik, Marin Skidmore, Andrew B Rosenberg 2024 FA (IE) Impact Evaluation (WP) Working Paper
Household Responsibilities and Career Opportunities: Distance Learning for Rural Women in Nepal Sarah Janzen, Nicholas Magnan, Conner Mullally, Shruti Sharma, Bhola Shrestha 2024 SC (IE) Impact Evaluation (WP) Working Paper
Nature's Kidneys: the role of Wetland Reserve Easements in restoring water quality Karwowski, N. and Skidmore, M. 2023 FA (IE) Impact Evaluation (WP) Working Paper
Extreme heat and livestock production: Costs and adaptation in the US dairy sector Hutchins, J., Skidmore, M., and Nolan, D. 2023 FA (IE) Impact Evaluation (WP) Working Paper
Community-Based Health Programs and Child Vaccinations: Evidence from Madagascar World Development Herrera-Almanza Catalina, Rosales-Rueda Maria 2023 SC (IE) Impact Evaluation (PR) Peer Reviewed
The impact of extreme precipitation on nutrient runoff Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Skidmore, M., Foltz, J., and Andarge, T. 2023 FA (IE) Impact Evaluation (PR) Peer Reviewed
The impacts of temperature on Chinese food processing firms Agricultural and Resource Economics Chen, X., Khanna, M., & Lu Yang, L. 2022 FA (IE) Impact Evaluation (PR) Peer Reviewed
Does unconventional energy extraction generate more wastewater? A lifetime perspective Ecological Economics Xu, M., Xu, Y., Khanna, M. 2022 LW, EE (IE) Impact Evaluation (PR) Peer Reviewed
Impact of changes in Title II of the 2018 Farm Bill on the acreage and environmental benefits of Conservation Reserve Program Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy Cornish, B., Miao, R., & Khanna, M.
2022 LW (IE) Impact Evaluation, (PD) Policy Design (PR) Peer Reviewed
Are renewable energy policies effective to promote technological change? The role of induced technological risk Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Ye, F., Paulson, N., & Khanna, M.
2022 EE (IE) Impact Evaluation, (PD) Policy Design (PR) Peer Reviewed
Is tech-enhanced bikeshare a substitute or complement for public transit? Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice Martin, R., & Xu, Y. 2022 SC (IE) Impact Evaluation (PR) Peer Reviewed
Impact of changes in Title II of the 2018 Farm Bill on the acreage and environmental benefits of Conservation Reserve Program Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy Cornish, B., Miao, R., & Khanna, M. 2021 FA (IE) Impact Evaluation (PR) Peer Reviewed
Distribution of pollution incidence based on community characteristics: evidence from relocating toxic-releasing facilities SSRN Wang, X., Deltas, G., Khanna, M., & Bi, X. 2021 SC (IE) Impact Evaluation (WP) Working Paper
The impact of management systems on technical change: the adoption of pollution prevention techniques Economic Change and Restructuring Deltas, G., Harrington, D.R., & Khanna, M. 2021 O (IE) Impact Evaluation (PR) Peer Reviewed
How do farmers learn from extension services? Evidence from Malawi American Journal of Agricultural Economics Maertens, A., Michelson, H., & Nourani, V. 2021 FA, LW, SC (IE) Impact Evaluation, (PD) Policy Design
Conservation tillage mitigates drought induced soybean yield losses in the US Corn Belt Q Open Chen, B., Gramig, B.M., & Yun, S.D. 2021 FA, LW (IE) Impact Evaluation
Community pressure and the spatial redistribution of pollution: The relocation of toxic releasing facilities Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Wang, X., Deltas, G., Khanna, M., & Bi, X. 2021 SC (IE) Impact Evaluation
Incentives for corporate social responsibility in India: Mandate, peer pressure and crowding-out effects Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Bansal, S., Khanna, M., Sydlowski, J. 2021 SC (IE) Impact Evaluation
Adoption of perennial energy crops in the US Midwest: Causal and heterogeneous determinants Biomass and Bioenergy Yang, P., Cai, X., Leibensperger, C., & Khanna, M. 2021 EE (IE) Impact Evaluation (PR) Peer Reviewed
Redefining marginal land for bioenergy crop production GCB Bioenergy Khanna, K., Chen, L., Basso, B., Cai, X., Field, J.L., Guan, K., Jiang, C., Lark, T.J., Richard, T.L., Spawn‐Lee, S.A., Yang, P., & Zipp, K.Y. 2021 EE (IE) Impact Evaluation (PR) Peer Reviewed
Reducing the cost of remoteness: Community-based health interventions and fertility choices Journal of Health Economics Herrera-Almanza, C., & Rosales, M. 2020 SC (IE) Impact Evaluation
Understanding the adoption of climate-smart agriculture: A farm-level typology with empirical evidence from southern Malawi World Development Amadu, F.O., McNamara, P.E., & Miller, D.C. 2020 FA (IE) Impact Evaluation, (PD) Policy Design
Can irrigation infrastructure mitigate the effect of rainfall shocks on conflict? Evidence from Indonesia American Journal of Agricultural Economics Gatti, N., Baylis, K., & Crost, B.
2020 FA, O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Mitigation of long-term human capital losses from natural disasters: Evidence from the Philippines The World Bank Economic Review Herrera-Almanza, C., & Cas, A. 2020 SC (IE) Impact Evaluation
Assessing the role of stakeholder platforms as drivers of resilient communities: the case of Malawi Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension Álvarez-Mingote, C., Moore, A.C., & McNamara, P.E. 2020 FA, SC (IE) Impact Evaluation, (PD) Policy Design
Assessing the downstream socioeconomic impacts of agroforestry in Kenya World Development  Hughes, K., Morgan, S., Baylis, K., Oduol, J., Smith-Dumont, E., Vågen, T. G., & Kegode, H. 
2020 FA, SC (IE) Impact Evaluation
The effect of farm size and farmland use on agricultural diversification: a spatial analysis of Brazilian municipalities Agricultural and Food Economics José Luiz Parré, André Luis Squarize Chagas & Mary Paula Arends-Kuenning 2020 FA (IE) Impact Evaluation (PR) Peer Reviewed
Consequences of protected areas for forest extraction and human well-being: Evidence from Nepal Environmental and Resource Economics Howlader, A., & Ando, A. W. 2020 LW, SC (IE) Impact Evaluation
Agroforestry as a pathway to agricultural yield impacts in climate-smart agriculture investments: Evidence from southern Malawi Ecological Economics Amadu, F.O, Miller, D.C., & McNamara, P.E. 2020 FA (IE) Impact Evaluation, (PD) Policy Design
Incentives for Corporate Social Responsibility in India: mandate, Peer Pressure and crowding-Out Effects Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Bansal, S. and J. Sydlowski 2020 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Social comparison nudges without monetary incentives: Evidence from home energy reports Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Myers, E. & Souza, M.
2020 EE (IE) Impact Evaluation
The effect of NAFTA on internal migration in Mexico: A regional economic analysis Applied Economics Arends-Kuenning, M., Baylis, K., & Garduño-Rivera, R.
2020 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Do foreign-educated nurses displace native-educated nurses? IZA Journal of Labor Policy H. Chung, H. & Arends-Kuenning, M. 2020 SC (IE) Impact Evaluation
Unlocking amenities: Complementarity in public good consumption  Journal of Public Economics Albouy, D., Christensen, P., & Sarmiento, I.
2020 SC, O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Neonicotinoids and decline in bird biodiversity in the United States Nature Sustainability Yijia Li, Y., Miao, R., & Khanna, M.
2020 FA (IE) Impact Evaluation
Conservation agriculture and climate resilience Journal of Environmental Economics and Management' Michler, J. D., Baylis, K., Arends-Kuenning, M., & Mazvimavi, K. 
2020 FA (IE) Impact Evaluation
Incentives for corporate social responsibility in India: Mandate, peer pressure and crowding-out effects Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Sangeeta Bansal, S., Khanna, M., & J. Sydlowski 2020 O (IE) Impact Evaluation, (PD) Policy Design
Market structure and the effect of ethanol expansion on Land allocation: A spatially explicit analysis American Journal of Agricultural Economics Wang, Y., Delgado, M. S., Sesmero, J. P., Gramig, B. M.
2020 FA, LW (IE) Impact Evaluation, (SM) System Modeling
Can experiential games and improved risk coverage raise demand for index insurance? Evidence from Kenya American Journal of Agricultural Economics Janzen, S. A., Magnan, N., Mullally, C., Shin, S., Palmer, I., Oduol, J., & Hughes, K. 2020 SC (IE) Impact Evaluation
Do unconventional oil and gas wells generate more wastewater? A lifespan perspective SSRN Working Paper Xu, M., Xu, Y., & Khanna, M. 2020 EE (IE) Impact Evaluation
Decomposing the wedge between projected and realized savings in energy efficiency programs E2e Working Paper Christensen, P., Francisco, P., Myers, E., & Souza, M. 2020 EE, SC (IE) Impact Evaluation
Fraccidents: The impact of fracking on road traffic deaths Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Xu, M., & Xu, Y. 2020 EE, O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Decomposing the wedge between projected and realized savings in energy efficiency programs E2e Working Paper Christensen, P., Francisco, P., Myers, E., & Souza, M. (2020). 2020 EE, SC (IE) Impact Evaluation
The Impact of Management Systems on technical change: The adoption of pollution prevention techniques Economic Change and Restructuring Deltas, G., Khanna, M., & Ramirez-Harrington, D.
2020 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Yield effects of climate-smart agriculture aid investment in southern Malawi Food Policy Amadu, F.O., McNamara, P.E., & Miller, D.C. (2020). 2020 FA (IE) Impact Evaluation, (PD) Policy Design
Should congested cities reduce their speed limits? Evidence from São Paulo, Brazil Journal of Public Economics Ang, A., Christensen, P., & Schwambach-Vieira, R. 2020 SC (IE) Impact Evaluation
Sorting or steering: Experimental evidence on the economic effects of housing discrimination  NBER Working Paper Christensen, P., & Timmins, C.
2019 SC, O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Effects of mandatory energy efficiency disclosure in housing markets National Bureau of Economic Research Myers, E., Puller, S. L., & West, J. D.
2019 EE (IE) Impact Evaluation
Economic effects of environmental crises: Evidence from Flint, Michigan  Working Paper Christensen, P., Keiser, D., & Lade, G.
2019 SC, O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Effects of mandatory energy efficiency disclosure in housing markets National Bureau of Economic Research 2019 EE (IE) Impact Evaluation
After the drought: The impact of microinsurance on consumption smoothing and asset protection American Journal of Agricultural Economics Janzen, S. A., & Carter, M. R. 2019 FA, SC (IE) Impact Evaluation
Housing discrimination and the pollution exposure gap in the United States Working Paper Christensen, P., Timmins, C., & Sarmiento, I. 2019 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
The distributional effects of building energy codes Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Bruegge, C., Deryugina, T., & Myers, E.
2019 EE (IE) Impact Evaluation
Smallholder food storage dynamics and resilience Food Security Waldman, K. B., Giroux, S., Blekking, J. P., Baylis, K., & Evans, T. P. 
2019 FA, O (IE) Impact Evaluation, (OM) Other
The owner-renter incidence gap of gentrification - A perspective from downward mobility Journal of Housing Economics Zhang, Y., Christensen, P., Greenlee, A., & Hewings, G.
2019 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Are home buyers inattentive? Evidence from capitalization of energy costs American Economic Journal: Economic Policy Myers, E. 
2019 EE (IE) Impact Evaluation
The social lives of married women: Peer effects in female autonomy and children’s food consumption Journal of Development Economics Kandpal, E., & Baylis, K. 
2019 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Suburbs or skyscrapers: The effect of China's land leasing market on housing decentralization Land Economics Christensen, P.
2019 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Conservation agriculture and climate resilience Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Michler, J., Baylis, K., Arends-Kuenning, M., & Mazvimavi, K. 2019 FA, LW (IE) Impact Evaluation
Bridging versus bonding social capital and the management of the firewood commons Land Economics Baylis, K, Gong, Y., & Wang, S.
2019 SC, O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Effect of wind turbines on bird abundance: A national scale analysis based on fixed effects models Energy Policy Miao, R., Ghosh, P. N., Khanna, M., Wang, W., & Rong, J.
2019 EE (IE) Impact Evaluation
The effect of NAFTA on internal migration in Mexico: A regional economic analysis Applied Economics Arends-Kuenning, M., K. Baylis, K., & Garduno-Rafael, R. 2019 SC (IE) Impact Evaluation (PR) Peer Reviewed
Agricultural market liberalization and household food security in rural China American Journal of Agricultural Economics Baylis, K., Fan, L., & Nogueira, L.
2019 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Temperature and production efficiency growth: Empirical evidence Climatic Changes Kumar, S., & Khanna, M.
2019 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Site-specific treatment responses in on-farm precision experimentation Preprints Trevisan, R. G., Bullock, D. S. & Martín, N. F.
2019 FA (IE) Impact Evaluation
Are consumers attentive to local energy costs? Evidence from the appliance market National Bureau of Economic Research Houde, S., & Myers, E.
2019 EE (IE) Impact Evaluation
The Millennium Villages project and local land values: Using hedonic pricing methods to evaluate development projects World Development Michelson, H., & Tully, K. 2018 SC (IE) Impact Evaluation, (VA) Valuation
Short-term impacts of a pay-it-forward livestock transfer and training program in rural Nepal American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings A., Magnan, N. P., Sharma, S, & Thompson, W. M. 2018 SC (IE) Impact Evaluation
Effects of ethanol plant proximity and crop prices on land-use change in the United States American Journal of Agricultural Economics Li, Y., Miao, R., & Khanna, M.
2018 FA, EE (IE) Impact Evaluation
Geographic determinants of China's urbanization Regional Science and Urban Economics Christensen, P., & McCord, G.C.
2018 SC (IE) Impact Evaluation
Does a nutritious diet cost more in food deserts? Agricultural Economics Fan, L., Baylis, K., Gundersen, C., & Ploeg, M. V.
2018 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Asymmetric information is residential rental markets: Implications for the energy efficiency gap E2e Working Paper Myers, E. 2018 EE, SC (IE) Impact Evaluation
Crop yield response function and ex post economic thresholds: The impacts of crop growth stage-specific weather conditions on crop yield Working Paper Yun, S. D., & Gramig, B. 2017 FA (IE) Impact Evaluation
Inducing pollution prevention: Effectiveness of the 33/50 voluntary environmental program Journal of Environmental Planning and Management Bi, X., & Khanna, M.
2017 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Environmental hazards and mortgage credit risk: Evidence from Texas pipeline incidents Real Estate Economics Xu, M., & Xu, Y. 2017 EE, O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Finding the right value: Framing effects on domain experts Political Psychology Andrews, A. C., Clawson, R. A. & Gramig, B. M. 2017 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Responsiveness of yield and acreage to climate and prices American Journal of Agricultural Economics Miao, R., Khanna, M., & Huang, H.
2016 FA (IE) Impact Evaluation
Can peers improve agricultural revenue? World Development Songsermsawas, T., Baylis, K., Chhatre, A., & Michelson, H. 2016 O (IE) Impact Evaluation, (SM) System Modeling
Putting the organic label in context: Examining the interactions between the organic label, product type, and retail outlet Food Quality and Preference Ellison, B., Duff, B., Wang, Z., & White, T.B.
2016 O (IE) Impact Evaluation
The influence of retail outlet and FSMA information on consumer perceptions of and willingness to pay for organic grape tomatoes Journal of Economic Psychology Ellison, B., Bernard, J., Paukett, M., & Toensmeyer, U.C.
2016 FA, O (IE) Impact Evaluation, (VA) Valuation
Goldilocks and the raster grid: Choosing a unit of analysis for evaluating conservation programs PlosOne Avelino, A. F. T., Baylis, K., & Honey-Rosés, J.
2016 LW, O (IE) Impact Evaluation
Trade-facilitated technology spillovers in energy productivity convergence processes across EU countries Energy Economics Wan, J., Baylis, K., & Mulder, P.
2015 EE (IE) Impact Evaluation
Evaluating heterogeneous conservation effects of forest protection in Indonesia PlosOne Shah, P., & Baylis, K.
2015 LW (IE) Impact Evaluation
How effective are biodiversity conservation payments in Mexico? PlosOne Costedoat, S., Corbera, E., Ezzine de Blas, D., Honey-Roses, J., Baylis, K., & Castillo-Santiago, M. A.
2015 LW (IE) Impact Evaluation
Milk in the data: food security impacts of livestock in Zambia World Development Jodlowski, M., Winter-Nelson, A. Baylis, K., & Goldsmith, P.D. 2015 SC (IE) Impact Evaluation
Impacts of management practices on bioenergy feedstock yield and economic feasibility on Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Grasslands GCB Bioenergy Anderson, E.K., Aberle, E., Chen, C., Egenolf, J., Harmonmey, K., Kakani, G., Kallenbach, R.L., Khanna, M., Wang, W., & Lee, D.K.
2015 LW, EE (IE) Impact Evaluation
Effectiveness of financial and fiscal instruments for promoting sustainable renewable energy technologies Economic and Business Review 2015 EE, SC (IE) Impact Evaluation, (PD) Policy Design