We use a variety of well-tested and novel approaches to understanding how to balance economic, social and environmental objectives.  From cost-benefit analysis to machine learning, CEOS members use and advance methods to model complex social-environmental systems, estimate impact of interventions and design optimal policy solutions to enable us to build a more sustainable society.

Research Output

Title Publication Authors Year Published Category Method Status
Private contributions for public information: soil testing in Malawi SSRN Berazneva, J., Maertens, A., Mhango, W., & Michelson, H. 2022 LW, SC (FE) Field Experiment (WP) Working Paper
The joint effects of information and financing constraints on technology adoption: Evidence from a field experiment in rural Tanzania Journal of Development Economics Harou, A.P., Madajewicz, M., Michelson, H., Palm, C.A., Amuri, N., Magomba, C., Semoka, J.M., Tschirhart, K., & Weil, R. 2022 FA, SC (FE) Field Experiment (PR) Peer Reviewed
The demand for mobility: Evidence from an experiment with Uber riders IZA Discussion Paper Christensen, P., & Osman, A. 2021 EE, SC (FE) Field Experiment
Public good provision and democracy: Evidence from an experiment with farmer groups in Malawi World Development Nourania, V., Maertens, A., & Michelson, H. 2021 FA, SC (PD) Policy Design, (FE) Field Experiment