Mary Arends-Kuenning

Professor; Acting Associate Dean of International Programs
Mary Arends Kuenning

Dr. Arends-Kuenning is an economic demographer who focuses on household decisions. Her research areas include children’s schooling and child labor, household consumption, gender roles in agriculture, and international migration. She examines the implications of household decisions for household members’ present and future well-being. Current research focuses on women’s decision-making power on smallholder farms in Brazil and on agricultural household decisions and their implications for harvest and postharvest losses. She teaches a graduate course on Impact Evaluation.

Research Output

Title Publication Year Category
The Dynamic Trajectory of the Effects of Retirement on Health American Society of Health Economics 2024 SC
The effect of NAFTA on Mexico's wage gap The Annals of Regional Science 2024 SC
Women's empowerment: evidence from rural Western Paraná (Brazil) 2023 FA, SC
Technology diffusion within families: experimental evidence from Nicaragua The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 2023 FA
Factors associated with harvest and postharvest loss among soybean farmers in Western Paraná State, Brazil Food Policy 2022 FA
O Cooperativismo na dinâmica econômica e social da agropecuária brasileira Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada 2022 FA, SC
The effect of farm size and farmland use on agricultural diversification: a spatial analysis of Brazilian municipalities Anais 2022 FA, LW
Empoderamento feminino na agricultura: um estudo na Lar Cooperativa Agroindustrial (Paraná) Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural 2022 FA, SC
Racial, ethnic, and urban/rural differences in transitions into diabetes: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Survey biomarker and self-reported data Journal of Rural Social Sciences 2021 SC
Gender, education, and farm succession in Western Paraná State Land Use Policy 2021 LW
Do foreign-educated nurses displace native-educated nurses? IZA Journal of Labor Policy 2020 SC
Análise dos determinantes da felicidade dos associados da Lar Cooperativa Agroindustrial Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural 2020 SC
The effect of farm size and farmland use on agricultural diversification: a spatial analysis of Brazilian municipalities Agricultural and Food Economics 2020 FA
Perdas na colheita de soja na região oeste do Paraná Revista Tecnologia e Sociedade 2019 FA, LW
Conservation agriculture and climate resilience Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 2019 FA, LW
The effect of NAFTA on internal migration in Mexico: A regional economic analysis Applied Economics 2019 SC