Sarah Janzen

Assistant Professor
Sarah Janzen

Dr. Janzen uses economic theory and empirical approaches to study the dynamics of global poverty and sustainable international agricultural development. Dr. Janzen’s empirical research stems from the design and implementation of highly collaborative international impact evaluations that rigorously seek to evaluate agricultural development programs in Asia and Africa. She also employ dynamic optimization and simulation to analyze optimal consumption, asset accumulation and risk management decisions of poor vulnerable households.

Research Output

Title Publication Year Category
Household Responsibilities and Career Opportunities: Distance Learning for Rural Women in Nepal 2024 SC
A review of livestock development interventions’ impacts on household welfare in low-and middle-income countries Global Food Security 2023 FA, SC
Coping with COVID‐19 shocks in rural Nepal Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 2023 SC
Anti-poverty programmes build resilience Nature Climate Change 2022 SC
Demand for Weather Index Insurance among Smallholder Farmers under Prospect Theory Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 2022 SC
Can mobile technology improve female entrepreneurship? evidence from Nepal 2022 SC
Can insurance alter poverty dynamics and reduce the cost of social protection in developing countries? Journal of Risk and Insurance 2020 SC
Can experiential games and improved risk coverage raise demand for index insurance? Evidence from Kenya American Journal of Agricultural Economics 2020 SC
Poverty traps and the social protection paradox The Economics of Poverty Traps (book) 2019 SC
After the drought: The impact of microinsurance on consumption smoothing and asset protection American Journal of Agricultural Economics 2019 FA, SC
Social protection in the face of climate change: Targeting principles and transfer mechanisms Environment and Development Economics 2018 SC
Can insurance help manage climate risk and food insecurity? Evidence from the pastoral regions of East Africa Climate Smart Agriculture - Building Resilience to Climate Change 2018 SC
Short-term impacts of a pay-it-forward livestock transfer and training program in rural Nepal American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings 2018 SC