$5.2 Million Grant Awarded to Fire Blight Research

October 16, 2020
10:19 AM
United States

The USDA’s National Food Institute of Agriculture recently awarded a $5.2 million grant to a research team from Michigan State University led by George Sundin and Nikki Rothwell who will be working in conjunction with CEOS’ Shadi Attalah. The team will be conducting comprehensive research into control methods for fire blight, a deadly bacterial disease affecting U.S. apples and pears. Shadi will be working with a graduate student to develop a bio-economic model for fire blight management in apples, with a focus on novel, non-antibiotic strategies. The work will be in collaboration with College of ACES Crop Scientist Youfu Zhao and other plant pathologists from 8+ other institutions. Congratulations Shadi!

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