Most recent in "Sustainable Communities"

April 14, 2021
10:19 AM
Chair in the neighborhood

Find the most recent peer-reviewed published research focused on the economics of sustainable communities:

  • Bansal, S., Khanna, M., Sydlowski, J. (2021). "Incentives for corporate social responsibility in India: Mandate, peer pressure and crowding-out effects." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management(105). 
  • Christensen, P., & Osman, A. (2021). "The Demand for Mobility: Evidence from an Experiment with Uber Riders." IZA Discussion Paper No. 14179. 
  • Maertens, A., Michelson, H., & Nourani, V. (2021). "How do farmers learn from extension services? Evidence from Malawi." American Journal of Agricultural Economics(103).
  • Wang, X., Deltas, G., Khanna, M., & Bi, X. (2021). "Community pressure and the spatial redistribution of pollution: The relocation of toxic releasing facilities." Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.