Shadi S. Atallah

Associate Professor
Shadi Atallah

Dr. Atallah’s research program generates recommendations to growers, landowners, and resource managers to manage their crops and natural resources in a way that balances economic and ecological objectives and constraints. Examples include the economics of managing damaging organisms such as pests, diseases, and invasive species and beneficial organisms such as pollinators, within and across farms and forestlands. Shadi is an Associate Director of CEOS with Hope Michelson.

Watch Shadi's Mini-talk: Are consumers willing to pay for both local brewing and local hops? (2020)

Listen to Shadi on the CEOS podcast as he quantifies the spiritual value of the tiger to the Soligas Tribe in India and shows how that value can be harnessed as an economic tool for promoting sustainable wildlife conservation and preserving the ways of life of indigenous people.

Research Output

Title Publication Year Category
Motivating organic farmers to adopt practices that support the pest-suppressive microbiome relies on understanding their beliefs Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 2024 FA
Maple Syrup Producers' Willingness to Diversify Maple Forests for Increased Resilience 2024 FA
Herbicide-resistant weed management with robots: A weed ecological–economic model Agricultural Economics 2024 FA
Economics of the Adoption of Artificial Intelligence–Based Digital Technologies in Agriculture Annual Review of Resource Economics 2024 FA
Economic studies reinforce efforts to safeguard specialty crops in the United States APS Publications 2020 FA
Optimal monitoring and controlling of invasive species: The case of spotted wing drosophila in the United States American Journal of Agricultural Economics 2020 FA, O
Economic studies reinforce efforts to safeguard specialty crops in the United States American Phytopathological Society Publications 2020 FA
Does the origin of inputs and processing matter? Evidence from consumers’ valuation for craft beer Food Quality and Preference 2020 FA
Phytosanitary Regulation of Washington Apple Producers under an Apple Maggot Quarantine Program.  Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 2019 FA, O
Agricultural nitrogen losses in a changing climate: Processes, predictions, and agroecological solutions Nature Sustainability 2018 FA
A bioeconomic model of ecosystem service provision: Coffee berry borer and shade-grown coffee Ecological Economics 2018 FA
Specification of spatial dynamic externalities and implications for strategic behavior in disease control Land Economics 2017 FA, O
A plant-level, spatial, bioeconomic model of plant disease diffusion and control: grapevine leafroll disease American Journal of Agricultural Economics 2015 FA
Reducing the economic impact of grapevine leafroll disease in California: identifying optimal disease management strategies American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 2015 FA